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Gone Gone Gone

Over 25 hours of being on the plane,doing nothing but sleeping and watching movies, we finally landed in D.C. where we would stay for the next 5 months. These past couple months had been so busy for me and candice. We couldn't really be aware of what was going on at the time , and the next thing we knew, we were standing in the middle of somewhere we had never been before. The air in the airport was so hot , but I couldn't careless. I needed to get the heck out of there as soon as possible. I could feel my heart beating so fast as i made my way to the front door. And once I stepped outside, " Freezing" was the only word I could think of ( We're Thai, American's definition of cold is like " Freezing Cold " for us. ) We hopped on the bus to go into town, and I tried so hard not to fall asleep. Don't even have to mention my sister, that one could never stay awake longer than 5 minutes in the car. I couldn't do that. To miss out on the first chance to check this city out? No way. It took almost 2 hours because of bad traffic, the bus finally stopped. I was pretty darn excited. It was hard to imagine how Candice and myself would change over the next few months when I came to think about it-Katy.

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